Daily Sentinel: $150,000 Donation from the Lupus and Allied Diseases Association

May 21, 2022
Masonic Medical Research Institute, Lupus Association raise awareness of disease, research:
UTICA — The Lupus and Allied Diseases Association, Inc. (LADA) and the Masonic Medical Research Institute (MMRI) have teamed up to observe May as Lupus Awareness Month by hosting a joint program on Thursday at the MMRI […]
In addition to promoting lupus awareness, the program featured the launch of the Lupus Patient Advocacy and Research and Development Collaborative Initiative between the organizations with a check presentation by LADA of $150,000 to the MMRI in support of three distinct lupus research programs at MMRI.
Read more at the news link here:
Chase Kessinger, Ph.D.
Chase Kessinger, Ph.D.