CNY Business Journal: Dr. Kontaridis Named Vice Chair of AHA Council

August 11, 2022:
Dr. Maria Kontaridis, the Executive Director of the Masonic Medical Research Institute, is the new Vice Chair of the American Heart Association’s Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Council Leadership Committee. The two-year, volunteer position is progressive, meaning she will be the next Chair of the committee in 2024.
Dr. Kontaridis is the Gordon K. Moe Professor and Chair of Biomedical Research and Translational Medicine Director of Research at the Masonic Medical Research Institute. She brings to the AHA a stellar record of leadership and work in heart and cardiovascular research.
The connection is one of many beneficial moments between the MMRI and AHA, the two organizations have worked together many times before. AHA backed several groundbreaking research studies at MMRI, and MMRI staff raised funds for AHA during the 2022 America’s Greatest Heart Run & Walk.
Read the story here:
Central New York Business Journal
Chase Kessinger, Ph.D.
Chase Kessinger, Ph.D.