$200,000 Awarded to MMRI for Research on Lupus by The Lupus and Allied Diseases Association, Inc. (LADA)

$200,000 Awarded to MMRI for Research on Lupus by The Lupus and Allied Diseases Association, Inc. (LADA)
Funding to support four innovative research projects in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
On Thursday, August 17, 2023, officials from MMRI received a surprise announcement by LADA President and CEO, Kathleen Arntsen, that its three previously supported SLE research projects would receive an additional $50,000 each this year, plus an additional $50,000 would be allocated for a fourth new endeavor. The check was presented at LADA’s 23rd annual Lupus Charity Golf Classic.
“As an organization led by individuals who are directly impacted by lupus, we are honored to support quality, groundbreaking lupus research,” stated Kathleen A. Arntsen, president & CEO at LADA. “We are thrilled that a premier research facility such as MMRI exists locally and look forward to advancing breakthroughs.”
The MMRI research funded by LADA is focused on preventing and treating SLE, a devastating autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack a person’s own tissue, causing inflammation in the skin, joints, blood, heart, lungs, brain and kidneys, and leads to extreme exhaustion, fevers, skin rashes, hair loss and anemia.
MMRI scientists will research how increased activity of specific biological enzymes in the body can affect progression and pathogenesis of SLE; identify new ways to target and treat lupus nephritis; develop and use novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of SLE; study how immune cell activity in SLE can lead to the development of venous thromboembolism.
“Our research endeavors are making tremendous strides in the fight against SLE,” said Maria Kontaridis, Ph.D., executive director. “We are extremely grateful to LADA for their commitment, partnership and support of our work.”
LADA has been a proud sponsor of MMRI research since 1990.
On Friday, May 19, 2023, MMRI dedicated a new laboratory space in its newly renovated building, specifically for SLE research, in appreciation of LADA’s dedication to continued research in lupus and allied diseases and for its advocacy of patients.
“Our partnership with LADA is invaluable and the need for continued research to find the cause of SLE is critically needed,” said Dr. Kontaridis. “MMRI aims to identify new ways to treat, and hopefully cure this disease.”
Chase Kessinger, Ph.D.
Chase Kessinger, Ph.D.