Community Advisory Committee


Empowering MMRI's Vision

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is comprised of leaders in the local community that are tasked with developing meaningful connections and potential supporters for MMRI and raising awareness of the institute's impact.

CAC Co-Chairs

Michael W. Kelberman, Ph.D.

CAC Chair
Founder & Board President, The Kelberman Center

Jackie Romano

CAC co-Vice Chair
Senior Vice President of Information Technology & Director of Philanthropy, Fountainhead Group

John F. Romano

CAC co-Vice Chair
CEO, Fountainhead Group

Committee Members

George Aney, Esq.,

Rocco Arcuri, Sr.,
Adirondack Bank President & CEO

Frank Behlmer,
Retired Executive Vice President and Regional Central New York Manager of The Bank of New York Mellon

Ferris Betrus,
Oneida County IDA; EVP Clinton COC

Boyd Bissell,
Founder and Owner, Heidelberg Bread

Dr. Sidney J. Blatt,

Karen Carey,
Retired Market President/Chief Revenue Officer, Townsquare Media

Honorable Bernadette T. Clark, J. S. C.,
New York State Supreme Court Justive in the Fifth Judicial district

Anna D’Ambrosio,
President & CEO, Munson

Alicia Dicks,
Executive Director, Community Foundation

Dr. Frank Dubeck,
Principal, Marybeth McCall MD LLC

Dr. Brian Gaffney,
Cardiologist, Mohawk Valley Health System

Timothy Giarrusso,
CEO - Human Technologies

Thomas Gilroy,
President, Gilroy, Kernan, Gilroy

Dr. Peter R. Gray,
Cardiologist, Member, MMRI Board

Dr. Robert A. Hewson, DPM,
President, MMRI Board

Stephen F. Izzo,
Principal Development Officer, MMRI

Dr. Maria I. Kontaridis,
Executive Director & Director of Research, MMRI

Anthony M. Lapolla, M.A., SHRBP,
Chief Executive Officer, Empower Business Strategies

David Manzelmann,
Market President, M&T Bank

Pamela G. Matt,
Development Director, MMRI

Dr. Marybeth McCall,
President, Marybeth McCall MD, LLC

Dr. Jason McCarthy,
Scientific Operations Director; Associate Professor, MMRI

Millie Occhionero,
Marketing and Communications Director, MMRI

Shawna Papale,
President, Mohawk Valley EDGE

Scott Robidoux,
Chief Operating Officer, Assured Information Security

Linda E. Romano, Esq.,
Attorney, Bond, Schoeneck & King

David F. Schneeweiss,
Chairmain and Past President, MMRI Board

Savneet Singh,
President & CEO, PAR Technology Corp.

Winston Soboyejo, Ph.D.,
President, SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Darlene Stromstad, FACHE,
CEO, Mohawk Valley Health System

Dr. Randy Van Wagoner,
President, Mohawk Valley Community College

Tony Vitagliano,
SVP, Provider Network Engagement and Regional President Utica

Jace Volo,
President, Volo's Auto Supply

Frank R. Williams,
Member, MMRI Board

Carolyn Zaklukiewicz,
Burrows Foundation


MMRI Scientific Leadership

MMRI Scientific Leadership

Chase Kessinger, Ph.D.

CAC Co-Chairs

Chase Kessinger, Ph.D.